Thankfully, this fall, there are some great tips that you should keep in mind so that you can enter winter with a tidy and prepared home.

Top Fall House Cleaning Tips
Top Fall House Cleaning Tips
According to Onedesk, although 10% of households in the U.S. paid for house cleaning services last year, not everyone is keen on hiring someone to clean their homes for them. Thankfully, this fall, there are some great tips that you should keep in mind so that you can enter winter with a tidy and prepared home.
1. Clean and Put Away Outdoor Furniture
Firstly, you should wash down all outdoor furniture and store it away in a dry area where it can be safe throughout the winter. Leaving patio furniture out during the winter can cause premature wear and damage that can leave it unusable by next spring. Preferably wrap the furniture in a secure tarp or furniture cover to prevent water or insects from getting to them.
2. Clean and Reverse Ceiling Fans
When house cleaning this fall, don't neglect your ceiling fans, as they have probably accumulated quite a bit of dust during the summer. Be sure to wipe them down thoroughly so that they can run more efficiently. You should also change the way they spin by flipping the small switch, usually located on the side of the fan. Fans should spin clockwise during the winter months. This allows them to create a gentle updraft that pushes warm air -- which naturally rises -- down to your level.
3. Clean and Inspect Fireplaces
If you have a fireplace and are planning to use it this winter, you shouldn't leave it off of your house cleaning to-do list. Your fireplace should always be inspected and professionally cleaned every year to ensure that there is no buildup that could potentially ignite and cause a fire. Cleaning it once every year, usually around fall, can also make it easier to clean, as there will be much less buildup than there would be if you had left it for another season.
4. Deep Clean Your Interior
Lastly, consider deep cleaning your home. This means cleaning things that you usually wouldn't clean throughout the year. For example, vacuuming under all the furniture, flipping mattresses, washing shower curtains, dusting the tops of furniture, cleaning baseboards, cleaning your oven vent, and cleaning your refrigerator and freezer. When making your house cleaning to-do list this fall, make a list of the things you haven't touched in a while and make them a priority before winter comes.
You don't need to hire a professional house cleaner to get your house in shape before winter. Keep these four tips in mind when coming up with your fall house cleaning to-do list so that you can enjoy a cleaner home this winter.